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On the two sides of Corso Umberto I, on the lower border of the beautiful Municipal Villa, and in the Square of Santa Reparata where the view sweeps over a part of the eastern territory of Casoli, on the Aventino river, on the Sangro river, on the industrial settlements, there are the symbols not to forget the great tragedies of the Casolan community during the ’900.
a) Monument to the fallen and missing soldiers in war. The Casolani soldiers who died for Italy were 227, among them two patriots who fought against the Nazis in World War II. Inaugurated on June 25, 1955, it was made on a sketch by sculptor Oscar Lamura Bernabeo.
b) Monument to civilian victims of war. During the battle between the Germans and the Allies on the front of the Gustav Line, 53 civilians died in our country, of which 16 boys and girls aged between 11 and 18 years, 4 boys and girls and a one-year-old girl. Innocent martyrs of the Second World War due to military actions: air and land bombings of the two armies, the outbreak of the German powder keg, explosions of abandoned war devices and anti-personnel mines. The work, made of resin marble, is a bas-relief, with four human figures, an angel, the papal symbol and a dove. Inaugurated on June 7, 1997, the monument, placed to the left of that of the fallen soldiers in war, is the work of the artist Vittorio Benedetto Piccorossi from Ortona.
c) Monument to the emigrant. It was opened on June 8, 2005. Designed by sculptor Vito Bucciarelli, it stands on the other side of the road from the first two. It is dedica-ted to the sad phenomenon of migration from Casoli at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and in the years after the Second World War. It consists of the marble hemicycle of the tank to collect the water that flows from the marble capitals, coming from the different continents of the Earth, placed on five columns. On the capitals you can see five small sculptures of symbolic figures. All on a mar-ble base with the granite Wind Rose where a suitcase is resting, which has become the sad emblem of emigration.





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Pagina aggiornata il 22/01/2025