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The Municipal Thatre, for several years also used as a cinema, was built in the an-cient School building that has an architectural appearance of clear Fascist style, having been built in the early thirties of the last century to bring together, in a sin-gle location, the elementary schools scattered in different rooms of the urban cen-ter of Casoli in the upper part of the country. The Building today has become the seat of many associations that contribute to the artistic, social and cultural deve-lopment of our community. Numerous anniversaries, musical events, theatrical per-formances, book presentations, exhibitions of paintings are held in the Theatre. It can be considered the main driver of the city’s cultural development. On April 25, 2018, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, celebrated the 73rd Anniver-sary of the Liberation in Casoli, where the Maiella Brigade was born. In his speech, held at the Municipal Theatre, he noted that it was not only the partisans who par-ticipated in the Liberation Struggle against the Nazis and Fascists of the Republic of Salo, but also the soldiers and civilians (including simple citizens of Casoli – N.d.r.) who, in some way and to some extent, contributed to support the Americans, the British and their allies in the victorious battle on the Southern Front, from when they landed in Sicily until April 25, 1945.