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The ancient Church of San Rocco of the seventeenth century is one of the architec-tural elements of Piazza Umberto I. At the time it was a rural church, located outside the walls. A small and modest building with a neoclassical facade. The classroom interior has late Baroque decorations. In front of the church there is what, accor-ding to some, was originally the Casino Ramondo, a beautiful example of a rural residence for the holiday of the aristocratic or upper bourgeois class of Casoli. Both buildings are now incorporated into the urban structure. The square has a historical importance because in the Ramondo Palace was opened, in December 1943, by the Allies, just arrived in Casoli, the Civil Hospital (see letter signed by Theodore Shannon, American officer). The hospital guaranteed patients the stay in the wards, with 25 beds, the possibility of performing X-ray examinations, outpatient services, surgical operations and administration of medicines. Soon, in those peri-lous times of war, it became a local hospital, there being no other health facilities in the area of the Aventine and Sangro for the hospitalization of patients. In the Ho-spital were hospitalized civilians from Casoli and many other villages of the district with war wounds. Some died, but, considering the difficult war emergency and with modest diagnostic means, doctors had the merit of saving many lives.